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Zaperlipopette! na Mostovni

Zaperlipopette! na Mostovni
K nam prihaja zasedba Zaperlipopette! iz Basla, skupek muzičarjev, ki se z ravno pravšnjo mero humorja in samoironije udejstvuje na področju skrbno dodelanih zvočnih napadov, ki jih sami kategorizirajo z oznako comic-core (math rock, experimental punk).

Zaperlipopette! Is a splinter group of the formarly known Ratatouille Movement. Since years these local heroes are analyzing with great precision the mechanisms arounding major players in the music industry, in order to ambush them passionately and hit hard where it hurts. The Sound is an attack, is a declaration of love to the big Tohuwabohu, is an ode to idiocy. The four heads forming a body of noise, confetti, airsnakes and other stupid shenanigans. Nobody will be able to stop them on their way. Z! Is a bizarre seeming grin on its way to ‚Saufspace’, while hands are irrespectivly thrown through the air and nothing remains existing, except a dramatic elation close to insanity. See the widths of the sky and be careful not to miss the big, LED blinking slice of Pizza – A sign to ensure the spectacle begining.

Kid Kidney
El Maestro Chancho
Jean-Pierre Le Bear
L'Atendine Le Papillon

Full LP

VRATA: 20:00
START: 21:15



Cesta IX. korpusa 99A

5250 Solkan



Poštni naslov:

p.p. 1

5001 Nova Gorica


Telefon: 05 3300 912

