BridA zavod za sodobno umetnost predstavlja
Festival R.o.R Makro kozmos / Macrocosm
![Festival R.o.R Makro kozmos / Macrocosm](/assets/images/Mostovna-na-prostem/BridA-RoR2020.png)
Pri letošnji ediciji festivala R.o.R sodelujejo mednarodno uveljavljeni umetniki, literati, glasbeniki in znanstveniki, ki svoje projekte predstavljajo v obliki strokovnih predavanj, performansov, literarnih predstavitev, umetniških delavnic, prostorskih postavitev ter koncertov. V celoto strukturirani podajajo oris zunanjega neizmernega. Nerazumljive teme se lotevajo na drugačen, umetniški način z namenom razmisleka in spoznavanja nedojemljivega preko multidisciplinarnega povezovanja znanosti in sodobne umetnosti.
Prepletenost letošnjega festivalskega dogajanja obiskovalcem omogoča celovit vpogled v skrite dimenzije vesolja. Preko zanimivih umetniških projektov ter strokovnih predavanj festival na inventiven in kritičen način pristopa k različnim temam, kot so ekologija vesolja, možnosti preživetja v našem osončju ter naša povezanost in pripadnost v vesolju in na Zemlji. Ustvarjalci nam pomagajo razumeti zdravstveno stanje našega planeta in nenazadnje, kakšna je lahko vloga umetnosti v vesolju. Letošnjo edicijo festivala tako krojijo priznani umetniki in strokovnjaki s področja astronomije, astrofizike, eksperimentalne glasbe, literature ter filozofije, kot so Marko Pogačnik, Miha Turšič, Sašo Sedlaček, Marko Batista, Peter Tomaž Dobrila, Andrej Brešan, Mitja Klančič, BridA, goriški literarni klub GOvoRICA, skupina Photo action, Jurij Mušič in drugi, ki bodo prispevali k zanimivi tematiki.
This year's RoR festival features an array of international artists, writers, musicians and scientists, who will showcase their projects in lectures, performances, literary presentations, art workshops, spatial installations and concerts. Structured as a whole, they give an outline of the immeasurable outside. Incomprehensible topics are tackled in a different, artistic way with the aim of reflecting and getting to know the incomprehensible through the multidisciplinary connection of science and contemporary art.
The intertwining of this year's festival events provides visitors with a comprehensive insight into the hidden dimensions of the universe. Through interesting art projects and specialised lectures, the festival addresses different topics in an inventive and critical way, such as the ecology of the universe, the possibilities of survival in our solar system, and our connection and belonging to the universe and the earth. Creators help us understand the state of the health of our planet and, last but not least, what the role of art in space could be. This year's festival is designed by renowned artists and experts in the field of astronomy, astrophysics, experimental music, literature and philosophy such as Marko Pogačnik, Miha Turšič, Sašo Sedlaček, Marko Batista, Peter Tomaž Dobrila, Andrej Brešan, Mitja Klančič, BridA, Gorizia Literary Club GOvoRICA, the Photo action group, Jurij Mušič, and other contributors with their interesting topics.
Where do the constant changes lead us and how to reconnect to the essence of our home planet and stay healthy and happy together with all other beings?
The lecture is an insight into the nearby cosmos, in which space debris is more frequent than satellites. A series of close-up shots of collisions between satellites and space is lined up in that cosmic dump that lingers above our heads.
There is an emphasis on the only planet known to host life and on the possibilities of finding life on other celestial bodies in our own solar system.
The artist uses his trans-disciplinary work to explore ways of establishing living spaces outside the Earth, in space. The lecture is a presentation of his scientific and artistic experiments in that sense.
While the artist analyses structure of matter in relation to the molecular stability of the universe, he also makes a dynamic selection of frequency waves through which the system becomes a living organism of the macrocosm.
His art and creations are a quest for visionary inventions that open up the possibility of space travel, taking into account modern scientific and technological discoveries.
Nedelja 12. julij
Mostovna, Nova Gorica
17.00 KUD BridA: Prototipi vesoljskih plovil, umetniška kreativna delavnica Primerna za vse kreativce med 5 in 105 let.
21.00 Zvezdnato obarvan filmski večer po izboru Mostovne
Celoten program si lahko ogledate na plakatu desno.
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